Django Tip: Templates and Page Titles

Posted on 2014-04-18 01:15:00+00:00

The core Django philosophy is DRY: do not repeat yourself. This quick tip will save you time and headaches when writing Django templates with page titles.

Let's start off with some assumptions. You have a parent template that you reuse throughout the site. Keep it simple and imagine these are the contents of site.html:

    {% block title %}{% endblock %}
  {% block body %}{% endblock %}

Now typically, you would use it with a child template, as shown below in child.html:

{% extends "site.html" %}

{% block title %}My page title{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
<h1>My page title</h1>
<p>My page content</p>
{% endblock %}

Or perhaps, your page content came from the database, as shown below in dyanmic_page.html:

{% extends "site.html" %}

{% block title %}{{ page.title }}{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
<p>{{ page.content }}</p>
{% endblock %}

Simple. But we're repeating ourselves. Notice we wrote My page title twice.

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Fortunately, it turns out that Django actually outputs the contents of a {% block %} tag when you invoke it inside another {% block %} tag.

That means you can remove the duplicate titles, as shown below:

{% extends "site.html" %}

{% block body %}
<h1>{% block title %}My page title{% endblock %}</h1>
<p>My page content</p>
{% endblock %}

Or for the dynamic template, like so:

{% extends "site.html" %}

{% block body %}
<h1>{% block title %}{{ page.title }}{% endblock %}</h1>
<p>{{ page.content }}</p>
{% endblock %}

Simple as that. No more repeating yourself when adding page titles.



Donovan Wilson2015-07-02 14:35:50+00:00

So how do I get page titles from the database?

Donovan Wilson2015-07-02 14:36:09+00:00

by the way thanks for this post.

Donovan Wilson2015-07-02 14:38:16+00:00

For example what if the page is a list? Can you store all the titles in one place?

Dror2016-05-13 07:16:04+00:00

Where is the value of "page.content" coming from ?

silviogutierrez2016-05-13 23:30:52+00:00

From whatever context you called when rendering the template. Could be an object you retrieved from the database using generic views.


Seth Livingston2017-07-30 15:45:20+00:00

This is great; thank you.


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